The Lost Art of Conversation

I mused during my morning commute, as I people watched, the lost art of conversation. Most of them either had headphones in, eyes glazed over listening intently to music/ podcasts or there were some without headphones mindlessly scrolling through their phones. I mentally match-made young couples from what info I could easily gather using only…

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First Section, Bibbulmun Track

The first section of Western Australia’s toughest endurance hike from Kalamunda to Albany. 1005km of preserved forests and coastline, meandering its way through the bush like a snake. Here’s our first several hundred km of the journey, which as expected was the hardest with my blown out knee and adjusting to walking on terrain with a 16kg pack (Caleb’s was 25kg!)

Follow our adventures on Instagram @esa_m @saltydavenport

Music by Pat Devlin

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Every single person I have come across in my life suffers from varying levels of mental illness / anguish, psychological issues / wounds, anxiety and unjustified insecurities. All of us. I am a loving, observant, non-judgemental & interested people-person so I believe, if we spend some time together, I could identify at least one of…

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